Remember the Lord Who is Great and Awesome

Preacher Rev Lourens Nel
13. Feb. 2022

In Nehemiah 3, we read that the people immediately started with building the walls. God gave them the strength, faith, and willingness. There were no objections but only willingness. This enraged the enemies of God and His people. Sanballat, the Horonite, was furious but could not do anything because Nehemiah had the king’s permission to rebuild the walls. Therefore, he used different tactics to undermine the confidence of the people of Judah. Together with Thobiah the Ammonite, who was his ally, he ridiculed and mocked the Jews. Nehemiah answered with a prayer to His Lord. He addressed the Lord as Our God: “Hear us, our God.” The enemies were also mocking the Lord’s work, and the Lord is not to be mocked! In Galatians 6:7, we read: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

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