Op-Shop’s last operating day for 2024 is Friday 29th November

We thank our local community for its wonderful support, enabling financial aid to organisations such as Gateway Family Services.

Our Op Shop is open between 9am and 12 pm on Friday mornings except during school holidays. We offer good quality items at reasonable prices. The goods range from clothing, books, linen, shoes, jewellery, fabric and household items. We receive an abundance of donations every week for which we are very thankful. Unfortunately due to lack of space, we are not able to accept any furniture.

Everyone is most welcome to come for a free morning tea, some home baked treats and a chat, even if you don’t make a purchase.

We have a friendly team of people who volunteer their time to make the Op Shop functional within a welcoming environment. Our motto is “Love through service”.

Donations are most welcome and can be brought in on the Friday mornings or contact us to make alternate arrangements.

Our proceeds support Gateway Family Services, who offer assistance within our local community. We also lend support to a number of overseas aid agencies.