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Services Start @ 9:30am and 5pm Every Sunday | 3 Renwick Close East Blaxland NSW 2774 | 02 4739 6555
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Chris Hall
Dr Noel Weeks
Dr Steve Grose
Jason Spits
Mr Brian Paul
Mr Glenn Dillon
Mr Jason Spits
Mr Steve Goring
Pastor Jordan Jamieson
Rev Bert Kuipers
Rev Brian Vaatstra
Rev Colin Grant
Rev Dan Kroon
Rev Dave Groenenboom
Rev Dr Phillip Scheepers
Rev Gerald Vanderkolk
Rev John TerHorst
Rev John Zuidema
Rev Laven Shunmugam
Rev Lourens Nel
Rev Nobin Shunmugam
Rev Peter Gadsby
Rev Stephen Coleman
Rev Stephen Jonker
Rev Terry Flanagan
Steve Goring
Belgic Confession
Canons of Dort
Fruit of the Spirit
Gospel of John
Heidelberg Catechism
Letters of Peter
Proverbs - chapter 6
Proverbs - chapter 6:16-19
8th Sunday of Easter
Ascension Day
Canons of Dort Chapter 1
Canons of Dort Chapter 2
Canons of Dort Chapter 3
Canons of Dort Chapter 5
Christmas Day
Easter Sunday
Father's Day
Good Friday
Holy Trinity
Infant Baptism
Lord's Day 1
Lord's Day 10
Lord's Day 11
Lord's Day 12
Lord's Day 13
Lord's Day 14
Lord's Day 15
Lord's Day 16
Lord's Day 17
Lord's Day 18
Lord's Day 19
Lord's Day 2
Lord's Day 20
Lord's Day 21
Lord's Day 22
Lord's Day 23
Lord's Day 24
Lord's Day 25
Lord's Day 26
Lord's Day 27
Lord's Day 28
Lord's Day 29
Lord's Day 3
Lord's Day 30
Lord's Day 31
Lord's Day 32
Lord's Day 33
Lord's Day 34
Lord's Day 35
Lord's Day 36
Lord's Day 37
Lord's Day 38
Lord's Day 39
Lord's Day 4
Lord's Day 43
Lord's Day 44
Lord's Day 45
Lord's Day 46
Lord's Day 47
Lord's Day 48
Lord's Day 49
Lord's Day 5
Lord's Day 50
Lord's Day 51
Lord's Day 52
Lord's Day 6
Lord's Day 7
Lord's Day 8
Lord's Day 9
Lord's Supper
Mothers Day
New Year
Palm Sunday
Recording N/A
recording NA
Amos 8
Romans 9: 19 - 33
Romans 4: 13 - 25
Ephesians 1
Leviticus 23: 33 - 44
Exodus 16: 1 - 18
Psalm 72
John 5: 30 - 47
Matthew 3: 1 - 12
1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 11
John 5: 16 - 30
Isaiah 35
John 5: 1 - 15
2 Kings 5: 1 - 14
Luke 7: 1 - 10
Colossians 3: 5 - 11
Isaiah 40: 3 - 5
Mark 1: 1 - 8
Acts 2: 1 - 13
Joel 2: 18 - 32
Exodus 19: 1 - 9
Hebrews 10: 11 - 25
Isaiah 52: 13 - 53: 12
Daniel 7: 1 - 14
Isaiah 12
John 7: 25 - 44
Mark 6: 1 - 13
2 Samuel 12: 1 - 14
Psalm 32
Mark 5: 21 - 43
Job 42
2 Timothy 1: 1 - 12
Esther 1: 1 - 12
Hebrews 1
John 1: 1 - 18
Jonah 1
1 Thessalonians 3: 6 - 13
Numbers 27: 1 - 11
Jeremiah 7: 20 - 29
John 1: 1 - 14
Numbers 12: 1 - 16
Romans 8: 1 - 17
Hebrews 3: 1 - 6
2 Kings 9: 10 - 10: 11
Psalm 63: 1 - 11
Matthew 7: 24 - 28
Mark 12: 28 - 34
Isaiah 49: 8 - 16
Ephesians 1: 1 - 14
1 Corinthians 1
John 13: 21 - 38
Genesis 12: 1 - 19
John 4: 1 - 26
Psalm 116
John 4: 27 - 42
Isaiah 66: 12 - 24
Psalm 2
2 Thessalonians 1
Ezekiel 36: 22 - 30
Romans 3: 21 - 26
Mark 10: 35 - 45
Psalm 85
Isaiah 35: 1 - 10
Psalm 27: 1 - 14
Isaiah 42: 1 - 13
John 13: 1 - 17
John 13: 31 - 35
Romans 11: 11 - 24
Deuteronomy 32: 10 - 14
Ezekiel 34: 7-17
John 10: 1-21
Philippians 3: 1-21
Zechariah 1: 18 - 21
Mark 5: 1 - 20
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 33
Exodus 13: 17 - 22
Deuteronomy 8: 1 - 5
Exodus 33: 18-23
Exodus 34: 1 - 8
John 1: 14 - 18
Revelation 5: 1 - 8
Revelation 6: 1 - 10
Matthew 7: 21 - 27
Haggai 1: 1 - 15
Revelation 21: 10 - 18
Genesis 15
Revelation 7: 9 - 14
Mark 8: 31 - 38
Mark 9: 1
Matthew 23: 12 - 28
Genesis 3: 1- 6
Genesis 3: 14 - 15
Genesis 12: 1 - 3
Galatians 3:29
Galatians 4:1- 7
Revelation 21: 1 - 5
Revelation 21: 22 - 27
Galatians 3: 23-29
Galatians 4: 1 - 7
Deuteronomy 28: 1 - 6
15 - 20
1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11
Zechariah 5: 1 - 11
Matthew 1: 18 - 25
Matthew 2: 1 -12
Hebrews 9: 11 - 15
Revelation 2: 1 - 7
Ephesians 5: 1 - 21
Hebrews 7: 1 - 3; Psalm 110
John 3: 22 - 36
Psalm 84:; Matthew 10: 26-33
Hebrews 11: 32 - 40
Hebrews 12: 1 - 2
Hebrews 13: 1 - 25
Psalm 84
Matthew 10: 26-33
Isaiah 40: 1 - 5
Psalm 91
Luke 4: 1 - 12
Luke 15: 11 - 32
1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 31
Genesis 3
Psalm 95
Hosea 14
James 4: 13 - 17
Romans 8: 28 - 39
Colossians 4: 2 - 6
Dr Noel Weeks
Dr Steve Grose
Jason Spits
Mr Brian Paul
Mr Glenn Dillon
Mr Jason Spits
Mr Steve Goring
Pastor Jordan Jamieson
Rev Bert Kuipers
Rev Brian Vaatstra
Rev Colin Grant
Rev Dan Kroon
Rev Dave Groenenboom
Rev Dr Phillip Scheepers
Rev Gerald Vanderkolk
Rev John TerHorst
Rev John Zuidema
Rev Laven Shunmugam
Rev Lourens Nel
Rev Nobin Shunmugam
Rev Peter Gadsby
Rev Stephen Coleman
Rev Stephen Jonker
Rev Terry Flanagan
Steve Goring
Belgic Confession
Canons of Dort
Fruit of the Spirit
Gospel of John
Heidelberg Catechism
Letters of Peter
Proverbs - chapter 6
Proverbs - chapter 6:16-19
8th Sunday of Easter
Ascension Day
Canons of Dort Chapter 1
Canons of Dort Chapter 2
Canons of Dort Chapter 3
Canons of Dort Chapter 5
Christmas Day
Easter Sunday
Father's Day
Good Friday
Holy Trinity
Infant Baptism
Lord's Day 1
Lord's Day 10
Lord's Day 11
Lord's Day 12
Lord's Day 13
Lord's Day 14
Lord's Day 15
Lord's Day 16
Lord's Day 17
Lord's Day 18
Lord's Day 19
Lord's Day 2
Lord's Day 20
Lord's Day 21
Lord's Day 22
Lord's Day 23
Lord's Day 24
Lord's Day 25
Lord's Day 26
Lord's Day 27
Lord's Day 28
Lord's Day 29
Lord's Day 3
Lord's Day 30
Lord's Day 31
Lord's Day 32
Lord's Day 33
Lord's Day 34
Lord's Day 35
Lord's Day 36
Lord's Day 37
Lord's Day 38
Lord's Day 39
Lord's Day 4
Lord's Day 43
Lord's Day 44
Lord's Day 45
Lord's Day 46
Lord's Day 47
Lord's Day 48
Lord's Day 49
Lord's Day 5
Lord's Day 50
Lord's Day 51
Lord's Day 52
Lord's Day 6
Lord's Day 7
Lord's Day 8
Lord's Day 9
Lord's Supper
Mothers Day
New Year
Palm Sunday
Recording N/A
recording NA
Amos 8
Romans 9: 19 - 33
Romans 4: 13 - 25
Ephesians 1
Leviticus 23: 33 - 44
Exodus 16: 1 - 18
Psalm 72
John 5: 30 - 47
Matthew 3: 1 - 12
1 Thessalonians 5: 1 - 11
John 5: 16 - 30
Isaiah 35
John 5: 1 - 15
2 Kings 5: 1 - 14
Luke 7: 1 - 10
Colossians 3: 5 - 11
Isaiah 40: 3 - 5
Mark 1: 1 - 8
Acts 2: 1 - 13
Joel 2: 18 - 32
Exodus 19: 1 - 9
Hebrews 10: 11 - 25
Isaiah 52: 13 - 53: 12
Daniel 7: 1 - 14
Isaiah 12
John 7: 25 - 44
Mark 6: 1 - 13
2 Samuel 12: 1 - 14
Psalm 32
Mark 5: 21 - 43
Job 42
2 Timothy 1: 1 - 12
Esther 1: 1 - 12
Hebrews 1
John 1: 1 - 18
Jonah 1
1 Thessalonians 3: 6 - 13
Numbers 27: 1 - 11
Jeremiah 7: 20 - 29
John 1: 1 - 14
Numbers 12: 1 - 16
Romans 8: 1 - 17
Hebrews 3: 1 - 6
2 Kings 9: 10 - 10: 11
Psalm 63: 1 - 11
Matthew 7: 24 - 28
Mark 12: 28 - 34
Isaiah 49: 8 - 16
Ephesians 1: 1 - 14
1 Corinthians 1
John 13: 21 - 38
Genesis 12: 1 - 19
John 4: 1 - 26
Psalm 116
John 4: 27 - 42
Isaiah 66: 12 - 24
Psalm 2
2 Thessalonians 1
Ezekiel 36: 22 - 30
Romans 3: 21 - 26
Mark 10: 35 - 45
Psalm 85
Isaiah 35: 1 - 10
Psalm 27: 1 - 14
Isaiah 42: 1 - 13
John 13: 1 - 17
John 13: 31 - 35
Romans 11: 11 - 24
Deuteronomy 32: 10 - 14
Ezekiel 34: 7-17
John 10: 1-21
Philippians 3: 1-21
Zechariah 1: 18 - 21
Mark 5: 1 - 20
Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 33
Exodus 13: 17 - 22
Deuteronomy 8: 1 - 5
Exodus 33: 18-23
Exodus 34: 1 - 8
John 1: 14 - 18
Revelation 5: 1 - 8
Revelation 6: 1 - 10
Matthew 7: 21 - 27
Haggai 1: 1 - 15
Revelation 21: 10 - 18
Genesis 15
Revelation 7: 9 - 14
Mark 8: 31 - 38
Mark 9: 1
Matthew 23: 12 - 28
Genesis 3: 1- 6
Genesis 3: 14 - 15
Genesis 12: 1 - 3
Galatians 3:29
Galatians 4:1- 7
Revelation 21: 1 - 5
Revelation 21: 22 - 27
Galatians 3: 23-29
Galatians 4: 1 - 7
Deuteronomy 28: 1 - 6
15 - 20
1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11
Zechariah 5: 1 - 11
Matthew 1: 18 - 25
Matthew 2: 1 -12
Hebrews 9: 11 - 15
Revelation 2: 1 - 7
Ephesians 5: 1 - 21
Hebrews 7: 1 - 3; Psalm 110
John 3: 22 - 36
Psalm 84:; Matthew 10: 26-33
Hebrews 11: 32 - 40
Hebrews 12: 1 - 2
Hebrews 13: 1 - 25
Psalm 84
Matthew 10: 26-33
Isaiah 40: 1 - 5
Psalm 91
Luke 4: 1 - 12
Luke 15: 11 - 32
1 Corinthians 1: 26 - 31
Genesis 3
Psalm 95
Hosea 14
James 4: 13 - 17
Romans 8: 28 - 39
Colossians 4: 2 - 6
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