God Alone Gives Meaning And Direction In My Life!

Preacher Rev Lourens Nel
28. Nov. 2021

In the sermon last week, the Lord, through the prophet Jeremiah told Israel that they missed their purpose. The Lord had chosen Israel among the nations as His people. Like a clean white linen belt, they were destined to be a holy priestly nation. He redeemed Israel out of the slavery of Egypt and tied them tightly to Him by an everlasting covenant with them. Like a beautiful linen belt, He had tightened this covenant people to His waist so that He could be proud of them. But Israel rejected the Lord. They refused to listen to the Lord words, followed the stubbornness of their hearts, and they went after idols to serve Israel, and Judah committed themselves to the strange heathen idols and practises. Eventually, they were so part of the sinful world and became so dirty and ragged that they were no longer of any use for the Lord. The Lord, through the prophet Hosea, continues to warn His people with more images that they have lost their purpose. They are like a flat cake not turned over, a senseless dove and a faulty bow.

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