The Lord Will Renew Our Strength Like The Eagle
David named two things in Psalm 103, Bless the Lord, and forget not all His benefits. He was seriously ill in our passage, but the Lord healed him. He was healed from his diseases, redeemed from the pit of despair. He regained his strength and renewed his youth like an eagle (verse 5). He looked forward to life again! He was revived and crowned with steadfast love and mercy. But now, he is afraid that he will forget the Lord’s benefit. He is worried that he will fail to praise and worship the Lord. David knew his weaknesses, and therefore, he reminded himself, forget not all His benefits! He named five things in Psalm 103 he should not forget and what should remind Him of God’s faithfulness and why he should praise the Lord! These are forgiveness, healing, redemption, saturation, and renewal.