When Will Be The End Of All Things?
Belgic Confession art 37: “Finally, we believe, according to God's Word, that when the time appoin...
Are You In The True Church?
The Word and our Confession teach us that we need to join the true church. So many people walk away ...
Everyone Must Join The Church
Can we claim to be a Christian and intentionally rejects participation in Church? To be with fellow ...
God Is Faithful To His Promises
Paul preached about Jesus who is completely reliable and worthy of trust. Paul preached Jesus who is...
I Will Build My Church
What is our task as Church that need to build on our foundation Jesus Christ? Jesus gave the command...
Suffering’s Purpose Is To Rely Not On Ourselves But On God
One of the major reasons God sends us suffering is to break the stubborn spirit of self-will within ...
I Have No-One…
The words of the man that he had no one is a cry and accusation about the love we have for our neigh...
Sanctification And Good Works
Our good works do not make us righteous before God, but we are justified through faith in our Lord J...
A Sinful Woman Forgiven
Luke 7:36-50 tells about a dinner interruption by a sinner expressing her gratitude for God’s forg...
Be On Guard, Firm In Your Faith, Strong, And Do Everything In Love
What would be the last word to someone you love? The Apostle Paul’s last words to the Corinthians ...