Chosen To Proclaim His Excellencies
We read in our text verses: “But you!” “You are a chosen race!” In the previous verse the Lo...
Hidden And Revealed Things Of God
The Word of God teaches that faith, repentance, and salvation come from the Lord. We cannot contribu...
God’s Unbreakable Promises
As a believer, you can be eternally secure of God’s preservation because there is no sin that has ...
Anyone In Christ Is A New Creation
When we believe in Christ, Paul said in verse 17 of our Bible reading, if anyone is in Christ, he is...
I Am The Good Shepherd
The task of the shepherd in the Bible was to lead the sheep to good pastures with plenty of water. H...
We Were Dead In Our Sin But Made Alive With Christ
For a lot of people, the election of believers is a problem. This is something unfair. This is som...